

See It In Action! The following high resolution JPG, PNG and GIF images have been optimized, compressed and reduced using our optimization engine. Drag the slider left to right to see the original picture compared to the optimized version of the image. Feb 25, 2020 Image Resizer for Windows is a utility that lets you resize one or more selected image files directly from Windows Explorer by right-clicking. I created it so that modern Windows users could regain the joy they left behind with Microsoft's Image Resizer Powertoy for Windows XP. Touchware free download - ImageReducer, ECM SMORE, ECM AOGOI Mobile, and many more programs. Using WebCleaner v2.29 on a dedicated Windows 2000 SP3 Server. Clean OS install with the following: 1Python v2.4 2Copy mfc71.dll to Windows-System32 (Required by Python for Windows Extensions) 3Python for Windows Extensions (Build 203 for Python 2.4) 4Python Imaging Library (PIL) (used by ImageSize and ImageReducer module) 5WebCleaner v2.29 I set up this server at work to.

  • Tutorials
  • User Guide
  • SDK
    • REST API
    • Interactive Experiences(Old)
    • Scripting(Old)


Webhooks can be used to receive notification of any changes in job status.

Job Types

  • import
  • export
  • renderFrame
  • renderAnimation
  • renderThumbnailVRay
  • renderThumbnailWebGL
  • renderFrameWebGL
  • liveRender
  • command
  • imageReducer
  • vrayBrdfToStandard

Job Statuses

  • pending
  • working
  • cancelled
  • failed
  • ok

Defining a Webhook

Currently, webhooks can only be defined by using Clara’s REST API. POST to to create a webhook.

The following parameters are required:

  • url (string): URL of your server. will POST to this URL when a matched job status change occurs.
  • jobTypes (array of strings): job types to listen for
  • statuses (array of strings): job statuses to listen for

The following parameters are optional:

Image Reducer App

  • scenes (array of strings, default [‘all’]): a list of scene ID’s to listen for
  • active (boolean, default true): enable / disable the webhook.
  • secret (string): if set, will send a X-Clara-Signature header containing the HMAC hex digest of the body using this secret as the key

As with any REST API you may POST with content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/form-data or application/json.

When the webhook fires, data will be sent to your URL with content-type application/json.


content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

content-type application/json

Modifying a Webhook

PUT to${_id}

Listing Webhooks


Webhook Payload

When executing a webhook, sends job data with content-type application/json. The job data may contain the following fields:

  • _id
  • owner
  • sceneId
  • status
  • type
  • createdAt
  • files

Posts to your webhook’s URL will contain the following headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • X-Clara-Delivery: a unique ID
  • X-Clara-Signature: HMAC hex digest of the payload, using the hook’s secret as the key, if configured
Image reducer app

Verifying the HMAC Digest

The X-Clara-Signature header is created with the following node.js expression:

It can be verified in Ruby with:

Image Reducer Kb

Clara Node SDK

Image Resizer For Windows

When using the Clara Node SDK:

ImageReducer is a program enabling the user to simply adjust digital images. It is an independently executable file whose big advantage lies in the fact that it allows integrating the most used program functions into Windows shell. It means that these functions are being displayed by mere RIGHT clicking image name in the Windows Explorer, i.e. you will be able to quickly adjust your images without running the ImageReducer!
With ImageReducer you can adjust the size of your images, optimize the images before developing them, convert images of 40 different image formats to JPEG with the minimum loss of quality.
All this you can do quickly, image by image or several images in one go. On one hand, this program enables you to select many different adjustment combinations, on the other hand, you can use a number of optimizations both for downloading the images and their developing (e.g. by pressing one button you can decrease the size of an unlimited number of images to the size of 800x600; by pressing another button you can optimize 10x15 prints...).