Todoist Trello

Todoist now has a Kanban board feature similar to that made popular by Trello.

Kanban boards are an effective project management tool designed to make it easier to organise tasks within projects and get an overview of overall project status. While Kanban boards aren’t super fancy they are, for some, super useful.

Todoist today officially introduced a feature that could significantly change how people use the popular task-management app: Boards. It basically works a lot like Trello, but built right into. Unfortunately, there’s currently no official import tool that lets you transfer your data from Trello into a Todoist account. In the meantime, if you’re interested in using Todoist in a similar way to how you might be using Trello, we recommend that you check out our Board view feature. Alternatively, if you’re simply looking to use Trello and Todoist in conjunction with each other, you. In a matter of minutes and without a single line of code, Zapier allows you to automatically send info between Todoist and Trello. Get started with workflows like: Add new Trello cards to Todoist as tasks. Or check out the rest of our guided workflows. Save time with Zapier; it's free to try.

“A more visual way to organize your projects. Drag tasks between sections, visualize your progress, and simplify your teamwork,” Todoist say of the feature.

Project tasks (including tasks with subtasks in. them) are displayed as cards. You can drag and drop cards between columns (called ‘sections’). You can switch projects between list and board modes as you work.

An official Todoist app for Linux launched in early September and that version, along with versions for other platforms, have the new boards feature built-in. Boards is available to use on free and premium Todoist plans.

  • Create up to 20 sections/columns per project
  • Give sections customs names
  • Drag and drop tasks between sections
  • Drag and drop sections to reorder them

If you use the official Todoist app for Linux (or any other platform) you can make use of the feature right away. Just open Todoist, select a project in the sidebar, then choose the ‘View as board’ option from the project menu at the top right.

You can also press shift + v while viewing a project to toggle between list and board views.

Todoist versus trello

Tohelp users get started the productivity outfit has made a range of board templates available for use, and put together the following tutorial video:

  • Source: Doist Blog
  • (via: Engadget)

Pleexy creates tasks and sub-tasks in your Todoist from cards and checklist items in Trello. Pleexy can synchronize checklists and automatically move Trello cards to the “complete” list you specify when you complete tasks in your Todoist.

After you connect Trello as a source service, customize Pleexy’s settings to integrate Trello and Todoist exactly the way you want. First, navigate to the page where you can change settings:

  1. From the Pleexy dashboard, inside the Trello card, click Details.

  2. Click Edit settings.

On this page, you can customize the connection's name. You can also adjust the settings for Source, Destination, Tasks, Actions, and Checklists. Let’s walk through your options for each.

Source settings


Source settings let you configure how Pleexy searches for cards in Trello. Use the drop-down menus to select which Trello boards and lists Pleexy will search for cards. You can also specify whether Pleexy will take Trello cards assigned only to you or cards assigned to anyone.

Pleexy combines your settings for these three filters. For example, if you choose the board Alpha Sprint, select the lists Queue and In Progress, and select tasks assigned only to you, Pleexy will search for cards that meet all three requirements:

On the board Alpha Sprint

+ Located in lists Queue and In Progress

+ Assigned only to you

Destination settings

Destination settings define how Pleexy creates tasks in your Todoist. You have two destination options:

  • Put all tasks in one project: Create tasks from all Trello boards in the same Todoist project. Click the drop-down menu to select the Todoist project to use.
    Note: If you want Pleexy to create tasks in a new Todoist project, log in to your Todoist and create the new project there. Back in your Pleexy settings, in the project drop-down menu, click Refresh to update the list of projects.

  • Use an individual project for each board: Create tasks from each Trello board in a different Todoist project. Click the drop-down menu to select the root Todoist project to use. Pleexy will create individual projects within the root project you select for the tasks from each Trello board.
    Note: If a project with the same name already exists in the root project you select, Pleexy will use it instead of creating a new project. This way, Pleexy can combine tasks from different source services in the same project. For example, Pleexy will create tasks from a “Development” notebook in Evernote and a “Development” board in Trello in a single root project.

Task settings

In the Task settings, you can specify how Pleexy creates, names, and synchronizes tasks and task attributes.

Under Task title template, use macros to customize how Pleexy names your tasks. For Trello integrations, three elements are available for task names: {board}, {list}, and {card}.

Trello Todoist Integration

As you change your task title template, Pleexy shows how your changes will look in a live example under the template field. You can combine the macro elements however you want, as long as you get the formatting correct. Here are some ideas:

  • {card} from {list} in the {board} board

  • {board} - {list}: {card}

Note: If you manually edit a task title in Todoist, Pleexy won’t update or change your edited title.

Under Synchronize due date, you have four options for how Pleexy handles your changes to task due dates:

  1. From Trello to Todoist only: when due date changes in Trello, change it in Todoist

  2. Both in Trello and Todoist: when due date changes in one place, change it in the other

  3. From Todoist to Trello only: when due date changes in Todoist, change it in Trello

  4. Do not sync: do not synchronize due dates between Todoist and Trello

Under Synchronize labels, you have four options for how Pleexy handles your changes to task due dates:

  1. From Trello to Todoist only: when the label changes in Trello, change it in Todoist

  2. Both in Trello and Todoist: when the label changes in one place, change it in the other

  3. From Todoist to Trello only: when the label changes in Todoist, change it in Trello

  4. Do not sync: do not synchronize labels between Todoist and Trello

You can also toggle-on Add card description as task's comment in Todoist if you want Pleexy to show Trello card descriptions in task comments in Todoist.

Finally, you can customize which Trello lists Pleexy should consider completed:

  • Do not track completeness of cards: Pleexy will not assume that any cards are completed

  • Last on the board: Pleexy will assume that cards in the last list of a board are completed

If you selected specific boards for Pleexy to search in your Source settings, you have the option to specify which list Pleexy will consider completed for each board


Action settings


Action settings let you control what Pleexy will do when you change, complete, or delete cards or tasks in Trello or Todoist—both sides of the integration!

First, tell Pleexy what should happen in Todoist when you delete a card in Trello. Click the drop-down to select one option:

  • Delete corresponding task: Pleexy will delete the corresponding task in Todoist

  • Do not touch task: Pleexy will leave the corresponding task in Todoist

Second, tell Pleexy what should happen in Todoist when you complete a card in Trello. Click the drop-down to select one option:

  • Complete task: Pleexy will complete the corresponding task in Todoist

  • Do not touch task: Pleexy will leave the corresponding task in Todoist

Note: If you selected Do not track completeness of cards in your Destination settings, you will not have this option.

Third, specify what should happen in Trello when you complete a task in Todoist. Click the drop-down menu to select one option:

  • Complete card: Pleexy will complete the corresponding card in Trello

  • Do not touch card: Pleexy will leave the corresponding card in Trello

Note: If you selected Do not track completeness of cards in your Destination settings, you will not have this option.

Checklist settings

Trello Todoist Sync

For Trello integrations, you can also customize settings for Trello checklists.

Your first option is whether Pleexy should create sub-tasks for checklist items. Toggle this option on if you want Pleexy to group all checklist items from one Trello card under one task. If you toggle this option off, you can choose whether Pleexy should delete checklist items for mapped cards. Toggling this option off also removes the other options for checklist settings.

Next, you have checklist-specific Task title template settings. These follow the same rules as the general task title macros, but you can include up to five elements in task names for checklists: {item}, {checklist}, {card}, {list}, and {board}.

Next, you’ll see three more customization options for how Pleexy should handle deleted and completed checklist items.

First, tell Pleexy what should happen in Todoist when you delete a checklist item in Trello. Click the drop-down to select one option:

  • Delete corresponding task: Pleexy will delete the corresponding task in Todoist

  • Do not touch task: Pleexy will leave the corresponding task in Todoist

Second, specify what should happen in Todoist when you complete a checklist item in Trello. Click the drop-down menu to select one option:

  • Complete task: Pleexy should mark the corresponding task as complete in Todoist

  • Do not touch task: Pleexy should not mark the corresponding task as complete in Todoist

Third, specify what should happen in Trello when you complete a checklist task in Todoist. Click the drop-down menu to select one option:

Todoist Vs Trello Vs Asana

  • Complete item: Pleexy should mark the corresponding item as complete in Trello

  • Do not touch item: Pleexy should not mark the corresponding item as complete in Trello

Those are your options for integrating Trello with your Todoist! Don’t forget to scroll down and click Save changes when you’re finished customizing.