Recurring Task In Todoist

  1. How Do I Set A Recurring Task In Todoist
  2. Recurring Tasks In Todoist

Instead of a typical scheduling menu, you set up a Todoist recurring task by typing a keyword after your task name, followed by a description of your recurrence schedule. To set up the task pictured above, you would: Create a new task Type “Call Grandma every! Month” in the task description. I love Todoist's UI and most of its data model, but modeling recurring tasks with start and due dates like bills is a bit of a pain. This project takes an alternate approach. As an alternative to using Todoist's own recurring task feature, you can set a label with a name like recur1M on a task and run this program.

Using recurring and repeating tasks in Todoist is a great way to save a lot of time and to stay on top of all of your tasks that occur regularly, or at least more than once.

When setting up a task in Todoist, to make it recurring you fill out the task information as you normally would, but when it comes to the time / date field you make some small changes.

For example, if you want a daily reminder you would type in “every day” in the date field and it would become recurring every day (remember – every day is ever day, including weekends!). If you only want weekdays you would type in “every weekday”.

There’s lots of date formatting options that gives repeating tasks a lot of flexibility – you can find more of them here on the Todoist date formatting guide.

This is also important to know about if you are using IFTTT and Todoist – you’ll need to make sure you have your date formatting correct or you may run into some real issues.

Another area where date formatting for recurring tasks can come in handy is setting start and end dates.

Recurring Task In Todoist

As an example, let’s say you had a project with a new task that came up, but you only need reminders through the end of the week. If today was March 23 and Friday was March 25, you would type in “every day ending March 25”. You can also do this for starting dates to set up a recurring task in the future!

The post Recurring And Repeating Tasks Set Up In Todoist appeared first on The Productivity Academy.

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This is the second post in a mini series I’m doing on how I use Todoist (here’s the first post). The first was about how I stay focused using a custom start page.

Here are the filters I currently use in Todoist:

MIT’s #

(today | overdue) & p1 | p2

MIT’s, or Most Important Tasks, is a concept I got from Zen to Done. ZTD, written by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits fame, is a simplified and more practical take on Getting Things Done. It’s a short book and much more approachable than GTD.

Each morning – or if I’m really organised, the evening before – I decide on what my MIT’s are for the day. I try and choose about 3 things which I do this by assigning priority 1 or priority 2 to those tasks.

This filter then shows any tasks that are marked as priority 1 or priority 2 and are either overdue or due today.

Recurring Task In Todoist

There’s usually around 10 tasks in my Today view, but the MIT’s are what I focus on. I’ll try and get them done early in the day if possible so that other things don’t get in the way.

Errands #

@errands | @groceries

The Errands filter shows any tasks that are labelled @Errands or @Groceries. I add things that I need to Todoist with either of those two labels. That way, when I’m in a supermarket or need to run errands, I just use this filter so that I won’t forget the milk or batteries or whatever else it is I might need.

Today’s batched tasks #

(overdue | today) & @Batch

A few times a week, I’ll use this filter to help clear out the small tasks that I need to get done. First, I go through Todoist and add the label @Batch to any small tasks that will take around 10 minutes or less to complete.

I then sit down for around an hour and blast through this filter. Tasks that I might batch include updating a client on a project, sending or keeping on top of invoices, making a quick phone call, small updates to a client website, and so on. I can often get through 4-10 tasks in just an hour by using this filter.

All batched tasks #


Similar to the filter above, this shows all tasks labelled @Batch but regardless of due date. If I have a spare 30 minutes and my tasks for the day are complete, I’ll often work from this list.

Roadblocks #

7 days & @Waiting

If I’m waiting on something from someone, I’ll add it as a task with a label of @Waiting. This filter than shows all the things I’m waiting on over the next week. I review this filter at the start of the week so I can plan accordingly. It’s also useful as a reminder to follow up if necessary.

90 days old #

Recurring Task In TodoistSet

created before: -90 days

The filters I have marked in grey are part of my monthly review.

This filter shows all tasks that were created over 90 days ago. Tasks that appear in this filter are often tasks that have slipped through the cracks and need scheduling or are no longer important and can be deleted.

Due in next 30 days #

30 days

How Do I Set A Recurring Task In Todoist

This filter shows all tasks that are due in the next 30 days. During the review, I look over what needs to be done in the next month. One of things I like about this filter is it helps spot particularly busy days so I can move tasks around accordingly.

No due date #

no due date

As you’d expect, this filter lists all tasks without a due date. Like the 90 days old filter, this helps surface tasks that I may have forgotten about or are no longer important and can be removed.

Recurring Tasks In Todoist

Recurring tasks #


I have a Routines project with Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Periodic recurring tasks. This filter shows them all as well as any recurring tasks in other projects. I like to review them on a monthly basis because too many recurring tasks can easily clog up the system.

View all #

view all

This shows all the tasks in my Todoist account, ordered by project. I don’t use this filter very often but it is handy for major reviews.