Jim Cramer Twitter

This is unacceptable.

During an interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer referred to her as 'Crazy Nancy.' He quickly noted that this is Donald Trump's name for her and that he, Cramer, has 'respect for the office.' He also tried to back track on Twitter as well. You may have noticed, Jim Cramer did not appear on 'TheStreet Live' or CNBC's 'Mad Money' late last week. His absence sparked all sorts of speculation on Twitter - Get Report.Cramer set the record. Jim Cramer, an investment analyst and financial adviser, is known for his trading success in the stock markets. Author of several best-selling books, Cramer writes a daily blog and as of 2014 hosts a popular television show on investing. 151,669 likes 408 talking about this. There is always a bull market somewhere, and I want to help you find it. 2 days ago  Mad Money Twitter - Jim Cramer Twitter - Facebook - Instagram Questions, comments, suggestions for the 'Mad Money' website? Madcap@cnbc.com Subscribe to CNBC PRO.

During an interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer referred to her as 'Crazy Nancy.'

He quickly noted that this is Donald Trump's name for her and that he, Cramer, has 'respect for the office.'

He also tried to back track on Twitter as well:

you know what i love? the president goes unchecked, calls her Crazy forever. I call it as as horrible and i am called out for doing so here. What a travesty...

— Jim Cramer (@jimcramer) September 15, 2020

Twitter responded quickly:

Jim Cramer called Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy” on his show. Raise your hand if you agree @CNBC should fire Cramer immediately. ✋🏼

— Andrea Junker ® (@Strandjunker) September 15, 2020

By Jim Cramer saying it, he's normalizing Trump's behavior and it shouldn't be tolerated.

— David ex Trump voter for Biden Weissman (@davidmweissman) September 15, 2020

.@jimcramer “I have such reverence for THE OFFICE...” is how you said it. You’re trying to have your cake and eat it too, Marie.

— haunted some blonde woman (@zandywithaz) September 15, 2020

The world heard what you said, Jim Cramer.
You said the quiet part out loud.
You disparaged the 3rd highest person in government.
The context was crystal clear.
You're not funny. You're not cute.
Resign. We're sick of the incivility!pic.twitter.com/tAAsGT7ld2

— THE G🤥P'S M🤥RAL BANKRUPTCY (@azstudigital) September 15, 2020

In a normal world, Jim Cramer would be immediately fired.
Today, he’ll be rewarded with a Trump crime syndicate job offer.

Jim Cramer Twitter

— Cassandra Centeno, Esq. 🇺🇸 (@IamCassandraEsq) September 15, 2020

I have long argued that CNBC is as corrosive to our society as Fox, and here is Jim Cramer calling the Speaker of the House “Crazy Nancy” to her face. Cramer should be suspended and CNBC owes her an apology. pic.twitter.com/0GVdSqNcLe

— Caitlin Legacki 🤦🏼‍♀️ (@caitleg) September 15, 2020

UPDATE: Seen in context there is no context. Unacceptable.

UPDATE 2: Here is his excuse for why he said it.

Jim Cramer's apology: 'I made a very stupid comment. It was a tongue-in-cheek attempt to make a point about the harsh tone about the negotiations in Washington but it fell completely flat and I apologize for that.' Video here pic.twitter.com/2PpVhDlVEt


— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 15, 2020

Jim© TheStreet Jim Cramer on GameStop, SPACs, Twitter, Stock Market Thursday TwitterJim Cramer Twitter

Stocks were lower in intraday trading on Thursday and TheStreet's Joseph Woelfel noted that Treasury yields hit a one-year high as fears of higher inflation resurfaced despite Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell downplaying the risks of increasing price pressures.

While Jim Cramer reemphasized his view that Twitter stock is the key to the market Thursday, he told TheStreet Live that the rise in interest rates has investors spooked. 'I think it's wrong to be spooked because they're [interest rates] are still low relatively,' Cramer added.

Jim Cramer talks GameStop, President Biden's chip order, SPACs and more in the video below:


Twitter has a long-term game plan.

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The company, in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing published Thursday ahead of its annual investor day conference, said that revenues can rise from $3.7 billion in 2020 to more than $7.5 billion by 2023 as daily active users rise to 315 million. The company also repeated its aim of targeting an adjusted EBITDA margin of between 40% and 50%.

'2020 was an extraordinary year for Twitter. We are more proud than ever to serve the public conversation, especially in these unprecedented times,' CEO Jack Dorsey said after the Q4 earnings release. 'Our product changes to date are promoting healthier conversations for those who use our service, including advertisers and partners, and we are excited about our plans to continue innovating in 2021.'

So, what does Jim Cramer think about the moves in GameStop both Thursday morning and Wednesday afternoon?

'How do you even pull off what the buyers of GameStop did in the last hours of trading and beyond? How is it possible to have that kind of concentrated buying to get a stock going like that? First, I have never done it, so I am not sure it would work. Second, the actions I am describing could easily be found to be illegal by any prosecutor under the broad powers of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. Third, there might be myriad other ways to do this, but here's one that could conceivably have been used. Again, because we are in the vast conspiracy moment of this market, I don't know this was done, it is strictly theoretical,' wrote Cramer in his daily column for Real Money.

'In order to get a stock to move you need to get people who are making orderly markets, the options markets, to be caught off guard. They have to be able to lay off their risk at the time of buying so they don't get caught short without a hedge,' he wrote.

During TheStreet Live Cramer added said that GameStop traders need to be more focused on the lack of a plan coming from GameStop management rather than market action in the stock.

Curious about what Jim Cramer and his team at Action Alerts PLUS are watching in the markets? Watch Cramer's exclusive members-only Daily Rundown show on Action Alerts PLUS following TheStreet Live.

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Daniel Kuhn contributed reporting to this article.

Why Was Jim Cramer In The Hospital

This article was originally published by TheStreet.