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The latest tweets from @CyberpunkGame. CDPR also issued an official apology statement afterwards. Recently, CD Projekt RED also announced on Twitter that the company was a victim of a targeted cyberattack on its internal network. She was offered $430. She took the job. She took the money. And now she wants to collect the sympathy of Twitter because it's convenient for her, as though she was held hostage at point blank range and forced to apply and forced to accept and forced to stay. She can go suck a cold opportunistic cucumber.

On its release day, Cyberpunk 2077 immediately pivoted from one of the holiday season's most hotly anticipated new games to one of this year's biggest debacles, as bugs both comical and game-breaking proved to be so prolific on consoles that Sony even delisted the title entirely from its digital storefront for the time being. Developer and publisher CD Projekt Red has had its hands full for the last few weeks juggling broad mockery and unhappy customers, and now there's a new woe on their pile: shareholder suits.

Two different law firms announced last week they were filing suit against CD Projekt, alleging the company violated securities law by misleading investors (and everyone else) about the state of Cdpr twitter apologyCyberpunk 2077 and whether it would be playable on current-generation consoles, the PlayStation 4 and XBox One.

Statements CD Projekt Red made about Cyberpunk throughout 2020 were 'materially false and misleading,' the complaint (PDF) alleges, because the company failed to mention that the game 'was virtually unplayable on the current-generation Xbox or Playstation systems due to an enormous number of bugs.'

Those bugs were not widely known prior to the game's release, because the company did not make console copies of the game available for review. Every outlet that had a pre-release copy of Cyberpunk (including Ars) played it on PC. CD Projekt after release apologized for not making the console version available 'and, in consequence, not allowing you to make a more informed decision about your purchase.'

The suit cites the many release delays the game faced, first from April 2020 to September 2020, then from September to November, and eventually from November to December. Each time the studio announced a delay, executives promised publicly that the game was totally on track but just needed a little more polish and kicked off a period of sustained crunch to make it happen.

In the wake of the game's release, however, CDPR joint-CEO Adam Kiciński admitted that the company focused too hard on that thrice-delayed deadline instead of the actual issues with the game.


'We underestimated the scale and complexity of the issues, we ignored the signals about the need for additional time to refine the game on the base last-gen consoles,' Kiciński said in a conference call.

'We were updating the game on last-gen consoles until the very last minute, and we thought we’d make it in time,' joint-CEO Marcin Iwiński said in the same call. 'Unfortunately, this resulted in giving it to reviewers just one day before the release, which was definitely too late, and the media didn’t get the chance to review it properly. That was not intended; we were just fixing the game until the very last moment.'

CD Projekt Red said in a filing over the weekend it would defend itself 'vigorously' against the shareholders' claims.

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Meeting expectations

Given the ongoing debacle of the Cyberpunk 2077 launch, an investor suit seemed all but inevitable. This kind of legal action is incredibly common anytime a company takes a major PR hit.

Under US law, publicly traded companies have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders. Basically, officers of a corporation have a legal obligation to act in the company's, and its investors', best interest. Shareholders and corporate officers have a tendency to interpret this as a legal duty to maximize the company's profits, although that is not exactly what the law says.

The argument in this kind of shareholder suit basically says: The company did something it should not have—lied about something, downplayed a risk, made a colossal error in judgement, and so on—and as a result, harmed the company's public image and, in turn, harmed investors.

Pinterest shareholders, for example, filed a suit against that company earlier this month claiming the board failed its fiduciary duty as allegations of rampant race- and gender-based discrimination inside the company were hurting its image with its largely-female user base. Google settled a similar shareholder suit in September, over its handling of harassment claims inside the company. And back in April, Zoom investors sued the overnight videoconference sensation, arguing that the company should have known its product was not up to spec before the pandemic hit.

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Research Authorizations

A Research Authorization (RA) is a permit required for experimental pesticide applications taking place in the state.

  • Research Authorization Application DPR-REG-027a, PDF (Est. 4/15). Instructions on back of form.
  • Research Authorization Application (Additional Pesticides) DPR-REG-027b, PDF (632 kb) (Est. 4/15)
  • Experimental Pesticide Use Report DPR-REG-028a, PDF (Est. 4/15)
  • Experimental Pesticide Use Report (Continued) DPR-REG-028b, PDF (Est. 4/15)
  • Experimental Trial Report DPR-REG-029, PDF (Rev. 4/15)

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To apply for a Research Authorization, complete the appropriate form(s) and submit to DPR by e-mail at or by postal mail at:

Research Authorization Coordinator
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pesticide Evalution Branch
P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812

Note: Any Research Authorization application that does not include the active ingredient of the product due to status as trade secret information shall be accompanied by a signed request for exemption from disclosure. The request may be submitted separately from the RA application if done so in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in the application being denied.

Research Authorization Requirements

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Researchers must provide the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) with a copy of the approved research authorization and a notice of the intended pesticide application at least 72 hours prior to applying a pesticide requiring a research authorization, unless the CAC determines that a shorter time period is adequate to evaluate the intended pesticide application. The notice of intended application must also include the location of each trial on a plot map and a map or aerial photograph designating the location and identity of sensitive sites that could be adversely impacted by the pesticide application.

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The notice of intended application provided to the CAC must also be submitted to DPR at the same time it is provided to the CAC. The notice may be submitted by e-mail to

Experimental Use Permits

U.S. EPA issues experimental use permits (EUPs) that allow researchers to conduct field testing of an unregistered pesticide product, or unregistered use of a pesticide product, to gather additional data. In some cases, researchers may choose to register their federal EUP with DPR on a conditional basis instead of applying for an RA.

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